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About Author


Ameikah was born and raised in St. Louis, Missouri. Ameikah and her son moved to Dallas after graduating from college.  After leaving corporate America, she used her love for fashion and passion for social justice to start her T-shirt business Fashion Meets Faith LLC/Authoritees, where her designs highlight social justice issues and celebrate Melanin.

 As she got older she noticed colorism was still very prevalent everywhere. Despite the positivity she received from her parents and family, when Ameikah was a young girl, she did not see her skin color and features as beautiful. As she matured she realized the richness and beauty of her melanin was kissed by God’s Sun and that her features were a celebration of her ancestors. She wanted every little black child to feel the same way she did.

 In February 2018, Ameikah’s mom convinced her to write a children’s book about self affirmation. She finished her book that very night in 45 minutes. She knew right away she wanted her main character to be a black mermaid and the book had to celebrate the magic of Melanin.  So after 2 and a half years, the first book of her series,The Adventures of Princess Amina The Melanin Mermaid & The Lesson of Magical Melanin, is a reality. She can not wait to see how this book will help black children to love the skin they are MelanIN.

